Sen. Ossoff Commends State Representative Pedro Marin on His Retirement

Washington, D.C. — U.S Senator Jon Ossoff is recognizing State Representative Pedro “Pete” Marin on his recently announced retirement with an official U.S Senate commendation.

In January, Representative Marin announced he would retire from the Georgia State House, concluding over two decades of service to the people of Gwinnett County. Rep. Marin currently stands as Georgia’s longest-serving Latino legislator.

Born in Puerto Rico, Rep. Marin was elected to the Georgia State House in 2002, becoming one of the first Latino legislators in Georgia history.

“As we reflect on Representative Marin’s remarkable career, let us express our gratitude for his service and leadership. His integrity and dedication to public service serve as an inspiration to us all,” Sen. Ossoff said. “As Georgia’s U.S. Senator, I recognize and commend Georgia State Representative Pedro Marin for his outstanding contributions to the State of Georgia, for his tireless efforts on behalf of Georgia’s beloved Latino community, and for his decades of public service.”

Please find Sen. Ossoff’s Official U.S. Senate Commendation to State Representative Pedro Marin here in the Congressional Record and below:

“Mr. President, I rise today to honor State Representative Pedro “Pete” Marin, Georgia’s longest-serving Hispanic State Legislator, as he concludes his distinguished career in Georgia’s State House.

“Earlier this year, Representative Marin announced he would not seek re-election to Georgia’s State House after over two decades of services representing the people of Gwinnett County.

“Born in Puerto Rico, Representative Marin moved to Georgia in 1995. He was elected to Georgia’s State House in 2002, among a trio who became the first Hispanic lawmakers in Georgia’s history.

“Throughout his tenure, Representative Marin has been a tireless advocate for his constituents, championing causes like education and social justice — helping bring the needs of Georgia’s Latino community to the forefront of the legislative discussion.

“Representative Marin’s commitment to education has been unwavering, ensuring that children in Georgia have access to a quality education, regardless of their background. His dedication to empowering Hispanic youth have and will continue to leave a lasting impact on the future of our State.

“Representative Marin has long worked to break down barriers and create opportunities for all communities, not just Georgia’s Latino community.

“As we reflect on Representative Marin’s remarkable career, let us express our gratitude for his service and leadership. His integrity and dedication to public service serve as an inspiration to us all.

“Mr. President, as Georgia’s U.S. Senator, I recognize and commend Georgia State Representative Pedro Marin for his outstanding contributions to the State of Georgia, for his tireless efforts on behalf of Georgia’s beloved Latino community, and for his decades of public service.”

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