오소프 상원의원한국 윤대통령 취임에 대한 성명 발표

워싱턴 DC- 오늘 존 오소프 미국 상원의원은 다음과 같은 성명을 발표했습니다.

“윤석열 대통령의 취임을 축하합니다. 지난해 11월 대선 후보 시절 윤대통령을 만나고 지난 달에는 윤대통령의 워싱턴 사절단 영접을 맡았던 것을 영광스럽게 생각합니다. 저는 윤 대통령의 새로운 한국 정부와 함께 한미동맹을 심화하고, 강화하고, 성장시킬 수 있기를 기대합니다.”


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Your form has been received. Someone from our office will get back to you as soon as possible. Please allow 5–7 business days to process a request. If your request needs immediate attention, please don’t hesitate to call our Washington, D.C. office or Atlanta office.