WATCH: Sen. Ossoff Secures Commitments from Key Biden USPS Nominees to Address Mail Delivery Delays in Georgia

WATCH: Sen. Ossoff Secures Commitments from Key Biden USPS Nominees to Address Mail Delivery Delays in Georgia  

All three of President Biden’s USPS nominees committed to Sen. Ossoff that they would travel to Georgia to investigate mail service delays 

Washington, D.C. – Today in a U.S. Senate Homeland Security Committee confirmation hearing for President Biden’s three nominees to the U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors, Senator Jon Ossoff secured commitments from all three nominees to work with him to solve severe delays in mail deliveries in Georgia.  

Sen. Ossoff noted that he and his office have heard from many Georgians about mail delays, which he noted impact delivery of prescription drugs to seniors, small business operations, mail orders, correspondence, and more.  

The three nominees, Anton A. Hajjar, Amber F. McReynolds, and Ronald Stroman, all committed to Sen. Ossoff that they would travel to Georgia to investigate the delays and ensure timely delivery of mail service across the state, if necessary. 

Click here to watch Sen. Ossoff’s line of questioning. 

Please find a transcript of the exchanges below: 

OSSOFF: “Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I appreciate you convening this hearing. Congratulations to our panelists for your nominations to these high posts, and thank you for putting yourselves and your families through the process. There are a couple of Georgia connections today that I want to acknowledge. Ms. Ahuja, of course, you are a Georgia native and an alumna of Spelman, and of UGA law school. Thank you for making Georgia proud, and Mr. Stroman, I understand your son is a Morehouse Man. Is that correct?”  

STROMAN: “That is correct.” 

OSSOFF: “Excellent. Well, pleased to be speaking with you. I want to touch briefly on an issue that is of great concern to many Georgians, and that is the decline in the timely mail service, particularly over the last year. Many Georgians who rely upon USPS to receive prescription drugs, to receive correspondence and gifts from family and friends, many small businesses who rely upon USPS for vital business purposes have contacted me to express their concern about the slow pace of mail delivery over the last year. And so to the three nominated potential Governors at the USPS, I’d just like a quick commitment from you, that you will meet with my office, and if necessary, come down to Georgia to investigate what may be slowing down the mail and to ensure that we restore timely mail delivery for the people of Georgia. And we could just start with you, please, Mr. Hajjar.” 

HAJJAR: “Absolutely, Senator, I commit to that. Service is the most important function of the Postal Service of course, prompt, reliable and efficient service, we have to get to the bottom of why there were problems, and we have to be sure to correct them. And if necessary, to investigate Georgia in particular, I commit to doing that.” 

OSSOFF: “Thank you. Ms. McReynolds?” 

MCREYNOLDS: “Yes, Senator, you have my commitment on that. And I would also just say that feedback from your constituents, as Senator Hassan mentioned earlier, is also going to be critical for the work that we need to do to improve service. So, in any and all feedback that you’re receiving, certainly we will be interested in in getting that.” 

OSSOFF: “Thank you, and Mr. Stroman?” 

STROMAN: “Thank you, Senator. Yes, service is going to be certainly one of my highest priorities, and you have my commitment to focusing on that issue and working with you on that issue.” 

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